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Passive Solar
Heating and Cooling


Passive Solar Energy Diagram

Passive solar heating costs little and it works. Whenever possible, we orient the majority of windows directly south. South facing windows in our Energy Star homes provide most of the required heating during daytime hours on sunny days.



Solar Energy Southern Exposure


Southern orientation also reduces cooling costs. By placing fewer windows on the west facing walls, the home is protected from the strong afternoon sun in the summer. This orientation allows south and north facing windows to see little direct sunlight in the summer, even in the absence of large overhangs.


Passive solar heating costs little and it works. Whenever possible, we orient the majority of windows directly south. South facing windows in our Energy Star homes provide most of the required heating during daytime hours on sunny days.

20 Curran Way Robinson Farm
South Wall: 20 Curran Way , Robinson Farm.
Our custom floor plan allows most of the glazing area to be located in the south-facing rear wall of the home


Thin Film Solar Thin Film Solar


A revolution is taking place in the generation of electricity from the sun. Electric generation from thin solar photovoltaic (PV) film has the potential to be cost competitive with current power company rates in New England and much of the country.

At this time, solar photovoltaic panels are not cost effective without subsidy. However, thin film solar photovoltaic technology has the potential to reduce costs by 90%. These savings result from continuous manufacturing processes and the use of less expensive materials.

Within 2 to 5 years, you may be able to produce electricity at your home at a cost no higher than your current power bill

The thin PV film can be incorporated directly into building materials, adhered to existing surfaces, or made into lightweight panels.

Nanosolar Corporation and other companies have begun manufacturing thin film PV. The initial production is going to large installations and is not yet available for smaller installations.

We will offer thin film solar electric generation to homeowners and businesses when cost-competitive materials become available.



Google Founder Invests in Nanosolar

Intel Invests in Thin Film Solar

GE Invests in Thin Film Solar:

IBM Invests Thin Film Solar

PV Summit 2008:


PV Roofing Shingles, currently available, cool, expensive:

Silicon-based thin film, expensive,informative

Sanyo and Heliovolt's progress